How to get to Besullo

The most common way to get to Besullo is from Cangas del Narcea.
To do this, we will have to take the CN-1 road , which leaves the town of Cangas, just below the Hanging Bridge . It is 17 kilometres along a mountain road that crosses the Sierra de Santa Isabel and offers us fascinating landscapes.
We will arrive at Besullo in approximately 30-35 minutes.

However, if you are coming from the north or northwest, for example from Pola de Allande, you do not have to go to Cangas. You can take the AS-14 to Linares and there take the turn-off to Besullo, which joins the CN-1 between Parajas and Noceda.
From Tineo, we can choose between going down to the AS-15 to Puente del Infierno, where we turn off onto the AS-14, or taking the AS-217 through the peaks to near Mirallo de Abajo, where we turn off onto the TI-6 to join the AS-14 near El Puelo.